




Fine Motor
and Crafts


PRIVACY POLICY is owned and operated by Madamesabrini Teaching, LLC.

Madamesabrini Teaching, LLC. provides a variety of intellectual content via email and other formats for free resources (“services”) to our website users (collectively “subscriber”, “you”, or “your”). “Personal Data” includes any information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate an individual or identify an individual in context.

This Privacy Policy explains how and what Personal Data we collect from you, how and why we use, store, and protect it, how and why we may share it, and how you can access, update, delete or take control of your data.

If you have questions about your Personal Data or our practices, please email This is an actively monitored email address.

Data We May Collect

Personally Identifiable Data:  When you sign up for the newsletter,  your name and email address are collected by a third-party email provider.

Payment and Subscription Data: We do collect payments 

Automatically Collected Data: We collect some data automatically when you interact with us, visit our website, or use our Services.  We may receive and store information such as an IP address, device ID, and your activities on our website.  We may store this information, or it may be stored in databases owned and maintained by affiliates, agents, or service providers.  We may use this data or combine it with other data to track the number of users and referral sources for customers and purchase of our products.

Data from other Services: You may give us permission to collect your information through other services. For example, you may interact with us through our blog, or one of our social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, or YouTube.  When you do this, you may share certain information available through those accounts.

Cookies: We use third-party analytic tools like Google Analytics that employ cookies to collect information about your use of our Services.  You can disable cookies at any time by changing your browser or device settings. Further information about how to disable cookies check your Internet browser provider’s website via your help screen.

Where Your Information is Processed

We are based in Canada, and by using our Services, you consent to the processing/transfer of your information in Canada. The laws in Canada may be different from the laws in your country. Find your country’s privacy laws here.

How We Use Your Personal Data

We use your Personal Data as explained in this Privacy Policy.  If you sign up for our email list, we use your information to send weekly emails. When we do this, any communication will contain instructions on how to “opt-out” of future marketing communications.  In addition, if you ever want to have your name deleted from our mailing lists, please email us at

Our Legal Basis for Handling Of Your Personal Data

Laws in some jurisdictions require us to explain the legal basis we rely on to use or disclose your Personal Data. To the extent those laws apply, our legal basis includes:

  • Contractual obligations: To meet our contractual obligations to you or respond to your requests in anticipation of entering a contract for purchasing our Services.  As an example, we may handle your Personal Data to create a subscription to our Services.
  • Legitimate interests: We may handle your Personal Data on the basis that it furthers our legitimate interests in a manner that is not overridden by your fundamental rights and freedoms, such as:
    • Protecting you, our users, and our personnel and property;
    • Analyzing and improving our Services by collecting data about how you use our Services wo we may improve design and features; or
    • Manage and respond to legal issues.
  • Legal compliance: If required to use or disclose Personal Data to comply with legal, regulatory or government requirements.
  • To protect your vital interests: To share your data to help resolve an urgent medical or emergency situation.
  • Consent: We may handle your data based on your implied or express consent to do so.  Where legally permitted or required we handle Personal Data based on your implied or express consent.

Unsolicited Information

You may voluntarily provide us with “Unsolicited Information” such as new product ideas or communicate with us without our request. By sending any Unsolicited Information you agree that it is non-confidential, and we may share, use, reproduce, disclose, and distribute it without limitation or attribution to you. You acknowledge that you bear sole responsibility and release us from all liability related to any Personal Data you willingly provided in any open or public forums to us, other Users or the public.


We only offer our Services to Users over 13 years of age. We do not intentionally or knowingly collect Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13. If you are a parent or guardian of a child under 13 and believe they disclosed Personal Data to us, you may contact us immediately at If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (“EEA”) which requires consent to processing Personal Data, we will not knowingly process Personal Data for Users under the age of consent established by EEA data protection law. If we discover that we processed any Personal Data covered by these laws, we will cease such processing and take prompt reasonable measures to remove it from our records.


Our Privacy Policy only applies only to our website and Services. Our website, blog posts, newsletters, social media posts and emails may contain links to third-party web sites that we do not operate or control. This Privacy Policy does NOT apply to any third-party website. Our link to any third-party websites does not imply endorsement or appropriateness for use of those sites. Use of any third-party site is solely at your own risk. We recommend you review any third-party sites’ privacy policy prior to use.

Data Retention

In the event we retain any Personal Data we only do so for the period of time we believe required based on the purpose identified in our Privacy Policy. When we dispose of Personal Data we may delete, anonymize, or use other appropriate methods. Based on reasonable business practices and system and data security purposes, Personal Data may continue to exist in system back-up files for additional time.


We use our best efforts to protect your Personal Data from loss, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, misuse, or destruction. You should understand that no internet or email transmission is fully secure or error free. Since any email you send to us may not be secure, consider carefully what Personal Data you send via email or the internet.

Your Data Rights

We treat all users equally regardless of location. You may unsubscribe from emails by clicking the “unsubscribe” link. You may opt out from cookie-related processing as explained in the Cookies explanation under Data We Collect. If you are in EEA, Canada, Costa Rica, or other non-US jurisdiction, you may have legal rights to obtain confirmation of whether we hold your Personal Data, access your Personal Data (including in portable form), and to correct, update, amend or delete your Personal Data. You also may have the right to object to our use or disclosure, request restrictions on processing, or withdraw your consent for us to use your Personal Data. These rights do not apply retroactively and may not affect our ability to continue processing data as allowed under those laws.

Accessing, Correcting, or Removing Your Personal Data

To submit a request to access, correct, update, amend or delete your Personal Data, please email us at using “Personal Data Request” in the subject line and include an explanation of which Data right you are exercising. On receipt of your request, we verify your identity for your protection prior to initiating any action. Once verified, we begin processing your request and respond within 30 days. You also have the right to request us to stop using or limit our use of your Personal Data if you believe we do not have a lawful basis to use it or you believe it is inaccurate. If you are in the EEA, you have the right to opt-out of all Personal Data processing for direct marketing. To do so, please select “unsubscribe” in any marketing email. You may also email us at with the subject line “Unsubscribe.”

Applicable law may limit or provide exceptions to your rights and options related to your Personal Data. You also have the right to submit a complaint to the relevant supervisory authority where you are located. As we do not really use your data for anything other than to send you the newsletter you signed up for, we hope you’ll let us know about a problem before filing a complaint.

Privacy Policy Changes

We may update or modify this Privacy Policy at any time without notice. We post any changes or modifications on this page. You should review this Privacy Policy before submitting any Personal Data and periodically as you use this website or our Services. The date listed at the bottom of this page is the date of the latest version. Your continued use of this website and our Services after any update or modification shall indicate your knowing consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy in effect on the date of your use.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or how we use your Personal Data, please contact us at

By using our website, you consent to our website privacy policy.

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